Europe Traveler Guide is a web site dedicated primarily to the independent traveler. It is design to provide vital and detailed information to American travelers who want to go to Europe. Accurate and up to date information from the official sources wherever and whenever it is available. Information that will help the American traveler to avoid pitfalls and make the right decisions that will insure one has a trouble-free trip and memorable experience. Hopefully, after reading a little about Europe and all it has to offer and do, Americans who have never been to Europe or aren’t even planning on going, will now go. We are not a site to sell you vendor offerings or services. The internet is loaded with so called travel sites that are suppose to help you but, when you visit them they are peddling trip packages, car rentals, photo equipment, luggage and who knows what else. We are not here to sell you anything but, the inspiration to travel to Europe and have one of life’s incredible experiences.
No Click Bait…No Pop-Ups…Just a Lot of Good Information
We do not except money in exchange for giving preferential visibility or deliberately directing you in one direction towards particular vendors or services. Complied into one web site you’ll find information and links that are only Europe oriented, as well as important travel tips when planning and traveling throughout Europe.
Created in early 2014, this web site is currently still in the process of development and editing. As of this date some pages are not up and running. We are amassing as much information as we can find about the who what & where of Europe. After web pages are completed many links to web sites will be added. Future features for news updates crucial to travel in Europe will be posted. As we populate the data to this web site you will find links to various services.
Europe Traveler Guide Navigation…
Consider Europe Traveler Guide your Europe search engine for information…
We have found that search engines are incredible programs that do a very good job at searching on the internet. However, we feel they search and find things from 30,000 feet leaving the internet surfer on their own to drill down and get specific detailed information. You have all experienced it, typing in a certain combination of words when searching only to click on links and pull up a web site totally irrelevant to your search topic. Search engines that know your current location can target things close to you. Let’s say you want to find out about train service in Italy and you get a site for the local model railroad club or the Italian restaurant s few blocks away. You know the feeling, you might open several sites before you find the one you even want to read, only to find it isn’t providing you with an answer to your question. Europe Traveler Guide helps you to drill down to get the specific information you want a lot quicker.
Links to Web Sites…
- Links to official web sites… That way you should have the most accurate information. Where there are no official web sites we try to provide third party sites like local tourism offices, local government, ministry departments with administrative authority or private and corporate run locations. There a few instances where private local individuals provide informative web sites. If you do not find the information you need, contact one of the national tourist offices for guidance. You will find these listed on our planning page.
- Web sites in English..Most high profile and famous sites have options to read their site in English. We link those sites up, where possible, in their English version. If not, look for the British Union Jack flag
and click on it for the web sites English version. If you see just one flag click on it and it may change to another or a drop down menu may appear. A abbreviation EN or UK may also be used in place of a flag for English versions. You will find these at the top of the home pages and they will be small so look closely.
Some sites may only provide one or several pages in English with just the basic information. Some sites are only in their countries official language, this is more frequent in southern Mediterranean and eastern European countries. To read these pages in English copy the URL address and paste it into your web browser. Web browsers like Google will ask you if you want translate it into English. Even with translation not all information may not be in English but, it will give you the minimal important information you need. There are other translator’s available online to read foreign web sites.

Important Links
When you see this Information icon box it will highlight links to important web sites. These sites have very detailed information that will answer many questions on a particular.
Reading Reviews…
Web sites that can be very helpful are ones that have travelers forums. People can go on and review restaurants, hotels and places of interest as well as respond to questions that other travelers may have about an area they plan to visit. Travel blogs are also interesting but, only give you one person opinion. We have all read reviews about a restaurant and people rave about it but, there is always that one who says the food and service where just awful. Go figure. Whenever reading information and reviews make sure you’re looking for the latest information. Some entries could have been written over five years ago and things change. Business’s are no longer under the same management, policies and regulations change, attractions could be closed for restoration and of course the cost of things go up.
Helpful Travel Tips & Information…
We attempt to provide some basic travel tips and information that we hope will help anyone planning a trip to Europe. While some of the information seams obvious to an experienced traveler we know that some are not savvy travelers. We have taken into consideration that some people will find this information extremely helpful, while others may find it a bit redundant.

When you see this light bulb – it is a valuable tip.
Guide Books …
You can go out and drop $20.00 plus each on a good guide book but, they won’t always provide you with everything. You may have to read the whole book and still not get an answer to your inquiry. Don’t get us wrong, we at Europe Traveler Guide read these books and web sites all the time and they can do a good job. Usually they are going to provide with information on the top attractions and sites to see and do. Many people use guide books and do exactly what those books recommend. Those listings are legitimate and very good but , because they are featured they will be in high demand, which will mean getting a reservation difficult and a little more expensive. Whenever you consider buying a book always insist on the current year’s edition. You’ll find books on the internet that are sold at reduced prices but, do not state what year they where published and could be up to ten years old. Some things can change dramatically in one year so always buy the current year’s edition for accurate information.
Europe Traveler Guide Mission…
Europe Traveler Guide is dedicated to provide the independent traveler with helpful information on traveling throughout Europe and its countries.
Europe Traveler Guide is still in the processing of collecting and updating important information for the traveler to Europe. Some pages are yet to be fully completed.
Photographs – J. Curran, J. Pire, P. Sertzel
Editor – P. Sertzel